Celebrate nature with us!

​​2018 Outdoors

Feb. 17 
(Saturday) “Eagle Caravan” Looking for Eagles.

           Meet at Point 40 Diner, 9am  MAP

Mar. 24
(Saturday) “Duck Hunt”  Ride around Mannington searching for ducks.  

              Meet at Mannington School, 9 am MAP

Apr. 21
(Saturday) “Elephant Swamp Walk” Hike the Elmer end of Elephant Swamp.                     Meet at Elmer Ball Field Rt. 40, 9 am MAP

May 5 
(Saturday) “Peaslee“ Hike a number of Peaslee Areas.  

           Meet at Wawa E. Main & Wade Blvd, Millville, 8am MAP

           There are at least THREE Wawa markets in Millville. Make sure you go to E. Main & Wade.

May 31
(Thursday) “Sheppards Mill Pond Walk” Hike around the pond.

             Meet in parking lot, 8am MAP  Drive straight back to the pond.

June 16
(Saturday) Old “Salem Country Club” state land, Elsinboro. Hike trails.   

              This walk has been CANCELLED.

Aug. 25
(Saturday) “Butterfly Garden Tour and Club Picnic”  Drive from garden to                          garden. Meet at Alloway Township  Municipal Garden, 10am MAP

              (picnic spot to be announced) 

Sept. 22
(Saturday)  “Maurice River Bluffs” Hike the Bluffs.  

               Meet at Wawa, 13 W. Main St. Millville, 9am MAP


             Meet in first parking lot on Money Island Rd., 9am MAP

December 2018 and early 2019 LINK to SalemCountyBirding.org   

                 No official club activities scheduled for

                    January, July, October, or December