Celebrate nature with us!
Gary Schempf of BusyBeesNJ.com speaks to a full house.
The club discount on honey products was sweet, too!
Upcoming Programs 2024
March 12th - Larisa Smith, Conserve Wildlife NJ, "The Eagle Project"
April 9th - Joseph Mahar, retired entomologist from Rutgers,
will talk about local insects.
May 9 - Emma Casper of Conserve Wildlife NJ, "American Oystercatchers"
June 11th - Jack Mahon and Jerry Haag of SCNC will talk about changes
in species numbers after many years of supervising bird surveys.
July 11 - Movie, TBA
August 8 - Movie, TBA
September 10th - Christine Healy, Conserve Wildlife NJ,
"NJ’s Rarest reptiles and amphibians"
October 8th - Daniel Duran of Rowan University, "Beyond Honeybees:
Beetles, Butterflies, and other pollinators"
November 12th - Alison Bohn of Cohanzick Zoo, will discuss
the zoo's work with animals.
December 10th - Holiday Party
Copyright © Salem County Nature Club, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.