Celebrate nature with us!

Bob White, carving for us

SCNC at Eagle Fest

Jean Lynch of NJ Audubon spoke to the club in 2013 about "Restoration Salem County." Here's a follow-up tree planting project at Mannington Meadow.

Art McMorris and friend

Jane Galetto rocks the house, and leads 

the singing on Vulture Culture night.

​​​​Past Programs

March 2024  - Larisa Smith, Conserve Wildlife NJ, "The Eagle Project"
April 2024 - 
Joseph Mahar, retired entomologist from Rutgers, "Local Insects"
May 2024 - 
Emma Casper of Conserve Wildlife NJ, "American Oystercatchers"
June 2024 - 
Jack Mahon & Jerry Haag of SCNC will talk about changes
                     in species numbers after many years of supervising bird surveys.

March 2023  - 
Busy Bee Honey
April 2023  -  
Kimberly Sue Moran, 

                     “Archeology & the Whispering Woods Excavation”
May 2023  -   
Marilyn Patterson, “Florida Wildlife & Shells”
June 2023 - 
Chris Herz & Marilyn Henry, “Nature of Bolivia”
September 2023 -
Abigail McBride from Bobwhite Quail Outreach,

                           “Bobwhites in South Jersey”
October 2023 - 
Photographer Jim Markel, “Wildlife of South Jersey”
November 2023 - 
Steve Eisenhauer, Natural Lands Trust,

                         “Screech Owls, Kestrels, Barn Owls, & Flying Squirrels”
October 2022 - Jack Mahon, "Raptors in Salem County"

September 2022 - Patience Oakes, "Horseshoe Crabs Down Jersey"

June 2022 - Rob Fergus, "How Birds See the World"

May 2022 - Marilyn Patterson, “Weeds: Know your Enemy”

April 2022 - R. Alan Mounier, “South Jersey Archeology”​

March 2022 - Kristen Meistrell, “Planting for Pollinators”​

September 2021, Bill Pitts of NJDF&W Endangered and Non-game Species -
                            "Bog Turtles in our Neighborhoods"

October 2021, Local bird carver Bob White 
​November 2021, 
Club member, Jeff White, "Wonders of Texas"

November, 2018, Mark Dimitroff, “Pine Barrens Employment”
October, 2018, Steve Glynn, "New Jersey's Butterflies"

September 2018, Terry Hider, "Quail"

July 2018, Barb Bassett, "The Galapagos Islands"

May 2018, Andrew Burnett, NJDEP, "Coyotes"
April 2018, Gary Schempf of Busy Bee Honey, "Bees"

March 2018, Laura Chamberlin, "Return the Favor, Horseshoe Crabs"

November 2017, Art McMorris of Pa. Game Commission,

                  “Peregrine Falcons”

October 2017, Meghan Wren of the Bay shore Center,

                   “Nature of the Bayshore”

September 2017, NJ Mycological Association, “Local Fungus & Mushrooms”

June 2017, Tony Geiger, Upper Mainline YMCA, “Youth Birding”

May 2017, Sarah Miele, Marine Mammal Stranding Center

April 2017, Michele Williams, “Bringing the Classroom into Nature”

February 2017, Movie “Kingdom of the Seahorse”

January 2017, Movie, “Leave it to Beavers”

November 2016,Allison Bohn, zookeeper

October 2016, Mark Garland, "Butterflies"

September 2016, Jeff White, "Nature's Reward"

June 2016, Jane Galetto, "Vulture Culture"

May 2016, Sandra Keller, "My Salem County Big Year"

March 2016,Program by Busy Bee Honey 
February 2016,Beth Graham, Food & Water Watch;

                          Jack Mahon, bird cartoons
November 2015, Craig Kane, "Native Trees"
October 2015, New Jersey Audubon 
September 2015, Autumn Angelus, "Mosquitoes"
June 2015, Joe Kieffer, "Native Perennial Plants"  
May 2015, Pat Sutton, "Owls"  
April 2015, Joe Ingerson-Mahar, "Insect Behavior and Invasive Species"   
March 2015, Eric Mollenhauer, "Thoreau, Walden,

                 and the Emergence of the Environmental Movement"

November 2014, Bill Pitts, NJ Div. Fish & Wildlife, Non-game & Endangered Species Program,

                 American Kestrel nest-box program
October 2014, Steve Eisenhauer, Natural lands Trust
September 2014, Mark Demitroff, Physical & Cultural Geography of the Pine Barrens
May 2014, Jean Lynch, NJ Audubon, “Restoration Salem County”
April 2014, NJ Audubon Associate Naturalist, David Lord, Nebraska Sandhill Cranes.
March 2014, Conserve Wildlife’s Karena Dileo, “Amphibians”
November 2013, Larry Niles, “New Jersey Shorebirds”
October 2013, Mackenzie Hall of Conserve Wildlife, “Bats”
September 2013,  Pete Dunne, Director of Cape May Bird Observatory, reading, book signing